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How we stack up

How we stack up

When it comes to toilet rolls, things get pretty personal pretty quickly. We want you to know exactly what you're getting into with us (and feel great about all the good you’re doing with our eco toilet paper). Whether you’re looking for a toilet paper subscription or a regular degular toilet paper delivery, we’ve got you covered.

Who Gives A Crap Andrex Cushelle Cheeky Panda Serious Tissues Naked Sprout Bumboo
Cost per 100 sheets from £0.23* £0.35** £0.38** £0.37** £0.38** £0.26** £0.31**
Plastic free wrappers
Helps reduce deforestation
Creates less dust 12x Less Fluff*** No info No info No info No info No info
Looks great in your bathroom
100% money back guarantee
B Corp™ Certified for Environmental Impact
Amount donated to good causes £9+ million raised to help build toilets and provide clean water £300,000 £170,000 £17,800 No info No info No info
A hit at parties? Pun game on point Who else is worried about that puppy? These koalas are a snoozefest Just weird uncle energy Why so serious? Put some clothes on! Bum-boooooring
*price for a 48 box of Recycled or Bamboo Toilet Paper, prices as of July 2024**average price, 52 weeks, 2023***Bamboo Toilet Paper. 0.011mg per tear, compared to Andrex at 0.134mg per tear.

Why you should roll with us

50% of profits donated

Helps reduce deforestation

FSC Certified

Super soft rolls

£9 million raised to date

We donate 50% of profits to clean water and sanitation non-profits around the globe. So every time you use our products, you're helping the billions of people in need gain access to these life-saving services.

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Two girls smiling at each other holding hands

Photo by Splash (Shivam Pandey)

Frequently asked questions

Is this TP expensive? When it comes to price, we think our rolls are a pretty sweet deal. Most TP brands measure by cost per roll (not per sheet), so they can make single-length rolls with fewer sheets. But because we make double-length rolls (at least 370 sheets), our toilet paper may seem a bit more expensive. In reality, we’re about on par (if not more affordable) than TP you’d find at a supermarket. What’s the difference between bamboo and recycled rolls? Our bamboo toilet paper is the strongest TP we make. The rolls are most similar to supermarket TP, just made with bamboo. While all our products help reduce deforestation, our 100% recycled toilet paper is our eco-friendliest. If you’re not so sure about switching, remember we offer a 100% money back guarantee! Why wrap the rolls individually? Long story short, we have to wrap our rolls in something to keep them moisture-free and hygienic. We could wrap 6 rolls together (that’s the limit), but we’d need to use a much thicker paper. The net paper used (by weight) to wrap a 6 pack in heavy duty paper vs. six individual rolls in the thin tissue paper we use is effectively the same. It’s either this or plastic — and we hate plastic Where do we source the bamboo? We source from farmers who plant bamboo on the borders of their small family farms. It helps supplement their income and unlike industrial agriculture, it also means no vast areas of land are cleared. Wait, are you recycling used toilet paper? We understand why you might think this, but the answer is no — we use post consumer waste paper! Ok, we hear it now too. We use recycled office paper, not used toilet paper, to make our TP. Get your head out of the sewer! Our recycled materials are sourced locally to our production facilities from schools and office buildings. It consists primarily of old office supplies like letterheads, memos and maybe even a love letter or two. We take recycled paper waste and turn it into TP gold.
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We know you'll love our products, but if for any reason you don't, send them back for a full refund.